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Hello! I'm Roxy. I am a digital artist, and traditional artist.

Here are (some of) my interests!!


I like dog teeth <--, animals, dinosaurs, anime (Haikyuu!!), and my favorite holiday is Christmas, and Easter. (Christmas is first, because my birthday is the day before Christmas :0)


Lots of people say my art is good but, honestly, I need to get more creative with everything.

I've thought about quitting digital art, and traditional art all together sometimes, due to me losing my mind and going into a depression-like state of mind, but really, thats just me going crazy because I need more exercise.


But I recently got a crazy fuzz, to relieve me of the weird craziness I go through. A dog. An Australian shepherd puppy. Instead of relieving me of the craziness/pain, he just, sorta, replaces it with a different kind of craziness/pain xD.




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